Monday, July 31, 2017

Almighty God's Word "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'"| The Church of Almighty God

     Almighty God says, "I was also called the Messiah, and people once called Me Jesus the Savior because they loved and respected Me. But today I am not the Jehovah or Jesus that people knew in times past—I am the God who has returned in the last days, the God who shall bring the age to an end. I am the God Himself that rises up at the ends of the earth, replete with My entire disposition, and full of authority, honor and glory.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Almighty God's Word "God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself" | The Church of Almighty God

     Almighty God says, "God created mankind; regardless of whether they have been corrupted or whether they follow Him, God treats human beings as His loved ones—or as human beings would say, the people dearest to Him—and not His playthings. Although God says He is the Creator and that man is His creation, which may sound like there is a bit of a difference in rank, the reality is that everything God has done for mankind far exceeds a relationship of this nature.

Almighty God's Word "When You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth" | The Church of Almighty God

    Almighty God says, "Do you wish to know the root of why the Pharisees opposed Jesus? Do you wish to know the substance of the Pharisees? They were full of fantasies about the Messiah. What’s more, they believed only that the Messiah would come, yet did not seek the truth of life. And so, even today they still await the Messiah, for they have no knowledge of the way of life, and do not know what the way of truth is.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Recital of Almighty God's Word "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)"| The Church of Almighty God


    Almighty God says, "God’s saving of man is not done directly through the means of the Spirit or as the Spirit, for His Spirit can neither be touched nor seen by man, and cannot be approached by man. If He tried to save man directly in the manner of the Spirit, man would be unable to receive His salvation. And if not for God putting on the outward form of a created man, they would be unable to receive this salvation.

"God's Name Has Changed?!" (3) - The Significance of God's Name| The Church of Almighty God

     Why does God take on different names in different ages? What is the significance of God's name in each age? This short video will help uncover this mystery for you.
Her name is Wang Hua, and she is a house church preacher in Southern China. After she began to believe in the Lord, she found in the Bible that God was called Jehovah in the Old Testament, and was called Jesus in the New Testament.

Friday, July 28, 2017

"The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father"| The Church of Almighty God

    Almighty God says, "The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself.

Life is From the Bible or From God "The Bible and God"| The Church of Almighty God

    Liu Zhizhong is a pastor at a local house church in China. He's been a believer for over 30 years, and has constantly maintained that "The Holy Bible is inspired by God," "The Holy Bible represents God, believing in God is believing in the Bible, believing in the Bible is believing in God." In his heart, the Bible is paramount.

The Hymn of God's Word "How to Search for God's Footprints" | Eastern Lightning

    1. Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search, search for God’s will, search for God’s words and the utter...