Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Hymn of God's Word "How to Search for God's Footprints" | Eastern Lightning

    1. Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search, search for God’s will, search for God’s words and the utterances of God, search for God’s words and the utterances of God. For where there are the new words of God, there is the voice of God, the voice of God; where there are the footsteps of God, there are God’s deeds, there are God’s deeds. Where there is the expression of God, there is the appearance, appearance of God, and where there is the appearance of God, there is the truth, the way, and the life.

Friday, October 20, 2017

True Way | Short Film "Awakening in the Adversity of Persecution" | The Church of Almighty God

    At the age of eight, he became a young Christian of the Church of Almighty God because of God’s predestination and choosing. He grew up happily bathed in God’s love. … As time went by, he understood more and more truths and began to practice performing duty as a created being with other brothers and sisters.
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church,
 Awakening in the Adversity of Persecution 
    Unexpectedly, he was illegally arrested by the Chinese government on his way home from preaching the gospel on March 5, 2009. He was only a minor of 17, but the brutal policemen beat him cruelly and jabbed his chin, hands, and private parts with the electric baton, and they incited the prisoners to torment him…. These facts made him see clearly that the police were actually a gang of ruthless beasts. In the devils’ den, God’s word inspired and guided him.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Guidance of God's Love | Short Film "Awakening" | The Church of Almighty God

    She is Zhao Xin, an ordinary woman born in a remote mountain area. She had a happy family. However, she became the “sinner” in the eyes of her family, relatives, and friends after her arrest by the CCP government for her belief in the Lord Jesus. In 2003, she fortunately accepted Almighty God’s end-time salvation. Unexpectedly, she suffered more frenzied persecution from the government and deeper misunderstanding from her family because of that. As a result, she couldn’t go home and was separated with her sons….

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

True Faith in God | Short Film "God Is My Strength" | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
True Faith in God  Short Film God Is My Strength
She was once a young girl full of dreams for the future. After graduating from college, she stepped into society and started her own business. During that period, she met with many frustrations and saw the darkness of society. The cruel reality tore up her dream and made her feel desolate and sorrowful. Later, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s work in the last days, and her numb heart was gradually awakened by God’s word. Moved by God’s word, she began to preach the gospel and bear testimony to God. In May 2006, an unexpected arrest broke her tranquil life. During the interrogation, she suffered malicious tortures from the vicious CCP policemen, and personally experienced Satan’s affliction and trampling of man. So many times when she was extremely miserable, God’s words kept leading and enlightening her and gave her the strength to live on.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Power of Life | Real Story "God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction" | The Church of Almighty God


The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,
God's Love Accompanied Me in the Affliction
Ge Zhen is a church leader of the Church of Almighty God. Because of believing in God, she was watched by the CCP government secretly for half a year. Once in transferring the money used for preaching the gospel, she was arrested by the police. In order to seize more church offerings, the CCP government cruelly tortured Ge Zhen and another church leader over and over, even dragging them to a secret place in deep mountains to set up a court and interrogate by cruel torture. Under the extreme torture of the devils, Ge Zhen's endurance reached its limit. However, Almighty God kept her secretly, inspiring and encouraging her with his words, and giving her faith and strength, so that she overcame the torment and transcended the dark power of satan. At last, Ge Zhen and the other sister were praised by the CCP lackeys to be the modern Sister Jiang and Liu Hulan. Later, the interrogation was resultless, and Ge Zhen was forcibly sentenced to two years in a labor camp.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today | The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church,
Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

30 Once So Foolish, I Have Finally Woken Up Today

Chen Xing

Nanyang City, Henan Province

I was formerly a preacher of the “Praise Church.” Since May 1999, I had often heard the elders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is a cult. Those people are together committing adultery. If you don’t obey them, they will cut off your ears, gouge out your eyes, or even cut your flesh into pieces. They will also trick you into going somewhere outside the town and shut you into a basement… These people are very crafty. They specially go to deceive people in various churches. If any stranger comes to our church, we must inspect him and verify his identity.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" | The Church of Almighty God


I wanted to cry, but no place felt right.

I wanted to sing, but no song was found.

I wanted to express the love of a created being.

Searching high and low, but no words could say, could say just how I feel.

Practical and true God, the love inside my heart.

The Hymn of God's Word "How to Search for God's Footprints" | Eastern Lightning

    1. Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search, search for God’s will, search for God’s words and the utter...